Co-Curricular Record Rebrand
Humber College & University of Guelph-Humber(UofGH)
Co-Curricular Programs (CCR) has evolved immensely over the past six years since it's inception at Humber and UofGH. As the Co-Curricular Coordinator of two years, I was able to bring a fresh perspective as well as a design lens to the program. Over the one year in my role, I noticed multiple opportunities to expand our current CCR branding and programming for increased opportunity, accessibility and options for system improvement. Here are the CCR branding revamp and impacts:
Improve student understanding and experience of the CCR Program benefits and process, by focusing on building Knowledge Base (KB), connecting it to Career Development, and branding. Increase CCR experiences for equity seeking groups through communication and relationship building.
Key Stakeholders
Current Humber and UofGH students
Validators - Humber and UofGH Staff/Faculty Members
Areas of Focus
User Support & Knowledge Base
Improving flow of websites and updating video knowledge base including educational and system navigation videos. Improved CCR Portal to include instructional videos and trained Social Media students on user support and response. Creating self-serve options for Validators to update/edit CCR Accounts.
Branding, Communications & User Experience
Building recognizable and consistent branding for CCR. Revamping CCR Student Life website (Drupal) to limit clicks and include educational content such as CCR for Career Development and Competency Development. Develop social media content calendar with support of Digital Content Creator students.
Virtual Events & Tabling
Promote CCR Certified Experience through annually occurring in-person CCR Expo. Re-strategize Expo to accommodate virtual setting due to pandemic.
CCR Committee
After vetting competing system vendors (Symplicity), we have noticed multiple opportunities to expand our current CCR programming for increased opportunity, accessibility and options for added system modules and online centralization of campus services. There is also a need for an overall review of the CCR and its policy, processes and components, which we will undertake with the support of an Advisory Committee.
Projects & Timeline (2020 - 2021)
Branding, Communications & User Experience
Create a recognizable brand and presence on Instagram
Current Humber and UofGH students, campus partners
Digital Content Creator (Work-Study Student)
Rebranding and increasing social media engagement to diversify content increased our following from 827 in Fall20 to 1000 in Winter21,
an increase of 21%
In addition to monthly CCR Newsletter, upcoming events are shared on our stories and saved to highlights.
User Support & Knowledge Base
Update instructional videos and develop educational video library for students and staff
Current Humber and UofGH students, Staff/Faculty
Digital Content Creator (Work-Study Student)
Our first to launch and most popular video on "How to Add an Experience to your Record" has over 1K views since it's official launch January 2021.
Virtual Events & Tabling
Run annual CCR Expo in virtual setting promoting upcoming CCR opportunities and promote CCR.
Current Humber and UofGH students, campus partners
Digital Content Creator (Work-Study Student), Humber Marketing Web Team
Typically, the Expo is a one day event run at both Humber Campuses with campus partner representatives tabling. This year, we extended the event to one week virtually with drop-in times for students through Microsoft Teams.
Virtual CCR Expo Week Web Analytics (Google Analytics)
259 users
(+896.2% from regular visits)
Users - # of new and returning people who visited site during Expo Week
351 sessions
(+902.9% from regular sessions)
Sessions - user interactions (clicks, page views, events, interactions) during Expo Week
649.0 page views
(+200.5% from previous 5 days)
Page Views - amount of times user visited page
Virtual CCR Expo Week Social Media Analytics (Instagram Insights)
+273.9% at around 172 profile visits
Profile Visits - The total # of profile views over the week
+585.7% at around 48 clicks
Website Clicks - The # of times visitors have clicked the link to your website from your profile page
Branding, Communications & User Experience
Improve user experience of CCR website to limit clicks and reorganize based on FAQs
Current Humber and UofGH students, campus partners, Staff/Faculty